Faculty: Sabrina Nacmias (Core 2: Typography)

Exhibition Promotional Poster

I designed an animated poster for the “Something in Common” exhibition at the LAPL. I visited this exhibition while in the Greater Los Angeles Area for an internship. Having worked at the Toronto Public Library system a year before, I became heavily invested in public library systems around the world and made it my goal to visit as many libraries as I could. I stumbled upon this exhibition while visiting the main LAPL branch and cleared the rest of my day to sift through, listen, and ogle the wealth of resources presented at this free exhibition.

The exhibition’s topic of commonality through shared interests intrigues me. The malleability of modeling clay allowed me the full flexibility to express the nuances of this exhibition.

Typographic treatments converge with illustrated forms made of Play-doh to represent the “common” aspect of each portion of the exhibiton.