Angie is currently: 

1. On a Leave of Absence from Parsons School of Design
2. Tending to her vintage Chinese vinyl, matchbook, and fruit sticker collections
3. Practicing Qi Gong (八段锦) with 爸
4. Going on Wikipedia hyperlink conquests
5. Side-eyeing a Sit-Com/Spotify lyrics while “art-ing”/ “copywriting”
6. Duking it out in the Duolingo leaderboards
7. Reading Diversity's Promise for Higher Education: Making it Work by Dr. Daryl G. Smith
8. Writing project proposal papers
8.a. Obsessing over alliterations.
9. Resisting the to urge compulsively practice Scanography
10. Freelancin’, Freeloadin’, & Freestylin’*
*(freestyle dance that is, she cannot spit a single bar, even if her life depended on it)

Resume available upon request.
Open for pro-bono freelance work (copywriting, design, editing) on a case-by-case basis.

Image Credits: Nat (@canyoufeelmyjoy), Vera (@very_verae), Elin, Pepi (@pepzicles), Parvathy (@parvathy.y), Eloise (@_elerwise_), The New School Student Leadership & Involvement (Gnarls Squad), Roselyn (@roselyngrullon), Bryce Wilner, Matt Wolff, Sister Li, Mama Hao, Baba Li, and all my unnamed friends and relatives.